Today is Uncle Mike's Birthday!
Here are a few unknown and interesting facts about him:
1. He used to like to snow ski (now he justs golfs).
2. We are always tired after we see him because he fills every minute of our time together with
cultural activities.
3. He is a great attorney.
4. He stores his birthday cards
from us (unopened) with his bills (they must be very important to him).
5. He loves to travel.
6. He cooks healthy elegant dinners (candles and wine, etc.) with Aunt Kathryn.
7. His laugh is memorable and comes from down deep inside him (Christy can imitate it perfectly).
8. He looooooooooves hot chocolate (we always have some when we are with him).
9. We miss him.
10.We love you Uncle Mike.
Brent and Suz, Jeremiah, Cacey, Christy, Joy, Clark, and Jill.
Cabe and Beth, Jed and Katie