Monday, April 28, 2008


Just a glimpse of everyday life around here.

Cacey in the kitchen cooking~She is the best cook in the family.
We are all practicing to be good cooks like our Grandma's...

This is what Jill likes to do...

She used a hula hoop to make the hoop!

This is what Clark likes to do...

We have a high tree in the backyard and Clark threw a rope over it and piled the bottom of the rope with cushions so you can swing on it. It's very fun if you can manage not to hit the big tree off to the corner in the process of swinging back and forth.

Joy babysits for this very nice lady that has a girl who's five and a boy who is one. This is the baby boy and he is very cute as you can see. He is very easy to watch which makes him all the more fun to babysit.

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Group

We had just finished watching a movie and got this pictures with all seven of us. The only sibling missing is Caleb. But, in that case we would need Beth, Jed , and Katie too.We haven't had a group picture in such a long time it looks kind of neat.
Thought this was a nice picture of Joy. Don't you think?

Shots of Miah

Here are some shots of Miah while he was here. The lack of posts is due to the fact that we had so much fun while he was here and then had extra activities to catch up on once he left. Normal stuff can keep you so busy if you are intent on doing a good job at it. The following pictures are a realistic portrayal of what Miah is really like.


I'm a muscle pack...

like the Incredible Hulk...

And this is the face that he wears in public.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pictures of Girls

We have been having lots of fun without the boys. Of course it's always extra fun when they are here. Seems like the house stays cleaner too, or maybe it's just our imagination because with two guys around it can't be that much messier. Since they are gone the following are all girl pictures ~ We are sure it's obvious how much fun we had taking these pictures.

Mom and her eldest girl...

Mom with all of her daughters...

Oldest girl with the youngest girl...

Profile view of the four oldest girls...

The second girl with the fourth girl
Mom and her youngest Jill

The first girl and third girl...

You were probably wondering why we said the first girl, second girl etc. We wanted to see if you can correctly place who is the oldest and who is the youngest in this picture!
(This should be easy as we have provided you with lots of clues)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Jenny's Birthday

Jenny's birthday was yesterday (the 17th) and she is now officially twenty-years-old. This means she has left her teens for good...But she is not sad we assure you!

She is a great sister among many other things but since she lives right here with us we do not feel the need to expound on her good qualities...

however, if you have any particular remark you would like to make about her you are free to do so by leaving a comment...

Anyway, Happy Birthday Jenny, We love you very much...From Everyone!

At the Train Station

Monday everyone (but Joy,) took Clark and Jeremiah to the train station which will take them to Illinois. This is Clark's first time on a train and us girls still have to try it. Looks like so much fun to do your stuff while the train hums along. They left all the girls here but they are going to have lots of fun anyway, we think!

The upper wall of the train station house...very interesting if you can see it closer...

Everyone at Starbucks before walking to the train station

The three blue eyed's.

Christy and Jill...

Jenny and Cacey at the Train Station house...

Mom and Christy at the train station house...

The nuclear family that never was...

Sometimes we like to go to Starbucks.

Everyone next to the train...

Christy with the yellow spoon that matched her yellow outfit...

Having Fun Around Here

Since Jeremiah and Clark left on a train Monday for Illinois Dad is here with five girls....Yup that 's right five girls and so maybe we'll get some feminine pictures up here because it's going to be definite girl time around here for a little while!

Jill thinking.....hmmmm

Maybe something serious?

~These are from the other night when we ate outside on the deck for first time since last summer. It was so warm out and the sunset view from the deck was beautiful~

Joy's photography...

Jenny close-up


Jenny playing her violin
Clark and Jill on their bikes in the back yard....check out the superwheels

Christy's photography....

Miah when he was on break off his ship in Southern America....That looks like Mount Vesuvius in the background ready to blow up.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Fun Happenings With Random Pictures

Us older kids went to a movie last night for fun. Miah came on Tuesday and we have been reading, studying, babysitting, working, cleaning, shopping, etc. These are just a bunch of random shots through-out the week. Definitely real life though...

Beth had taken her kiddos to the park and sent us the pics. The look on Katie's face looks like a monkey face. (As Dad would say)

Jenny with one of her serious looks...

(Miah) Check out my Ring of Power...

Christy all dressed up...

Joy all dressed up...

Miah all dressed up...
Can you guess where we were going?


This is truly a random picture...

Christy studying for a test at the coffee-shop...

uh-oh... caught!

Great-Grandpa Fred, Great-Grandma Wanda, Jed and Katie.
We miss them so much especially since they are in Illinois and we are in California!

Weird pic-notice only the color green shows up?
(we like it because everything is blurry except his face)

Jill having a tea party when she and Joy went baby-sitting the other day...

Miah had just gotten home from the air-port. Wonder why he looks so thoughtful?