Jeremiah is...
12 Likes + 12 Dis-likes = 24 (the likes cancel each other out and your left with 24)
12 Things We Like About Miah
1. He is athletic and is in great physical shape. (We will post more current pictures, soon).
2. He is good-looking.
3. He is intelligent. (He has a B.A and B.S.).
4. He is ambitious. (He pursued a degree in engineering, straight through in four years, graduating with honors).
5. He is fun to be with. (Go to the coffee shop, to the movies, reading together, talking, etc.)
6. He has a great relationship with his younger siblings.
7. He is a natural leader.
8. He is kind to everyone regardless of who they are.
9. He knows what he believes and why.
10. He is musical. (He can play the banjo, well. And some piano, harmonica and accordion).
11. He is artistic. (He can draw and paint real life forms, especially portraits, very well).
12. He is diligent. (He keeps a consistent focus and plan on what he wants to accomplish).
12 Things We Dis-like (Not Really!) About Miah
1. He thinks he is smarter then us.
2. He has a handsome white smile. (We mean a WHITE smile).
3. He is impossible to budge. (When debating, he has set positions, which are almost impossible to quash).
4. He always outruns us. (It's a consistent thing, not speed).
5. He eats more and drinks more but stays thinner than us girls. (Hate that).
6. He automatically runs off any guys that might be interested in us, because the guys (even among four girls and one guy) assume that Miah is our boyfriend. That is ridiculous.
7. He can wear the same clothes over and over and it always looks good on him and nobody seems to notice.
8. All Miah has to do is wash his face in the morning, and he looks good. (Girls are different, we are not even going to expound on that).
9. He says to our faces that Pride and Prejudice is dumb. (We love Pride and Prejudice).
10. He thinks because he is bigger than us he is somehow more intellectually endowed than us. (Questionable).
11. When he chooses to be, he can be, completely disagreeable and right no matter what we are discussing.
12. Here's one: He really is smarter than us. (So you can't read it).
P.S. This whole post took us hours to write up--What are we going to do when we reach our fifties?
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