Sunday, June 29, 2008


We are back to blogging. . .

Dad making a face. . .

Country scenery is much prettier than town scenery . . .


Spending time with some of our favorite people

Saturday, June 21, 2008

To All Blog Readers

We are having lots of fun (along with a little work). Bet you can't guess why. If we neglect this blog a little bit at least you will know the reason. See ya later!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Check This Guy Out

Do you know who this is?

This is Jeremiah. . .

The engine room he works in. . .

on a ship somewhere down South.

He works on the ship as the third engineer. (There are four engineers altogether, chief, first, second and third engineer.)

We miss this guy alot!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Summertime . . .

is the time for swimming-

But, we all thought . . .

that when Jill put on a bathing cap . . .

just to play in the kiddie pool . . .

that she was going a little overboard with the whole idea!
( and check out her dive!)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dinner Dates: Part Three

Actually, this was a lunch date and we held it at our house . . .

Mom's first cousins (Her dad's sister's children) were passing through our area and decided to stop and eat with us.Of course, we all had loads of fun. (We say that every time we know, but we mean it more and more! Sometimes, fun is the only word to describe some things)

Dad, Billy and his wife, Lavoy . . .

Dad and Cousin Billy

Grandma and her daughter . . . (our Mom)

Grandma and mom listening to Betty talk . . .

sweet . . .

Joy scrapbooking away during the visit . . .

Jenny and Christy got tired and took a little nap while the grown-ups were talking.

Actually, maybe only Jenny did . . .

Our table was a little small as you can see . . .

the adults talking . . .

Cacey and Lavoy. . .


Billy and Dad talking . . .


Right before sitting down to eat . . .

Olan telling a story . . .

Conversing . . .

cousins . . .

more cousins . . .

Grandma with four of her granddaughters

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dinner Dates: Part Two

This dinner date was fabulous and our host and hostess were so much fun.

Thank you guys for giving such a nice barbecue!

Clark and Host
Did we mention?

That we caught a baby deer?

There was a mommy and two baby deer living in their backyard. They decided to leave about the same time we were in the backyard.
We caught both the baby deer (They were so little and were just learning walk) and after everyone got to see them, our host took them back to their mommy.


Friends are fun and encouraging to talk to. . .

Clark's famous white spot

Their pet deer. . .

Yeah it fooled us too. . . Actually this is their pet. His name is Moses.

In their comfy house. . .

Christy's self portrait.

The host barbecuing our dinner. . .
Our Host showing Clark and Jill how to shoot a bow and arrow.
pulling back the bow is pulling back forty five lbs! He did it . . . Did the girls? Hmmmm . . .

Cacey, Christy, Tamera and Jenny
(Lots of girls eh?)

Mom, Cacey, Tamera and Jenny
some more girls. . .

Jenny. . .

It get's cold at night-time in California (even in the Sumertime). . . Our hostess kept a pile of blankets so we could cuddle up and be comfy when it got dark. . .

Dad and the Host

Their cool exercise machine...It's a great way to work off your meal! (especially if you ate too much)

Just kidding. . .

backyard. . .

Dad matches the sky

Taking a break from running and playing. . .

Our Hostess with her kitty-cat Moses

Jilly and Jenny!