Monday, June 13, 2011

A Statement of Faith

Charles Carleton Coffin, Author
Journalist, (Civil War Correspondent), Popular Lecturer, (1823-1896)

I accept the Bible because it contains, immeasurably beyond all other books, moral precepts which are the rules of all right conduct; because it is the foundation of all just government; because it tells the truth about men; because its spiritual teachings satisfy the longings of my heart, giving me joy, peace, comfort, rest, and hope of a better and larger life beyond the present.
I regard Jesus Christ as God in human form; as revealing the character of God to the human race. All my conceptions of justice, righteousness, goodness, truth, love, compassion, tenderness, forgiveness, all moral qualities and holy affections are found in Him. Through Him my fellow men become my brothers, and we all may come into sweet and holy relations with the Father, and enjoy ineffable spiritual blessedness.
I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour, Redeemer, Brother, and best Friend. All history centers around Him. He is the life and light of the world-the One absolutely perfect human being of all time-stainless and immaculate in everything. His teachings, if followed, will settle all disputes between man and man- between indvidual and nations alike; will banish misery and woe, and make the world a paradise of happiness. I accept Him for what He claimed to be -- the Son of God and the Son of Man.

(This statement of faith is printed in "The Boys of '76 A History of the Battles of the Revolution. It is on the page facing "A Note From the Publisher."

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