Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Creation Museum

We spent two whole days at this museum. It covered the logic and science of creationism. There is no conflict between the Bible and Science. If you have not been to this museum we highly recommend it above all the others.

The Garden of Eden . . .

Did you know:
Men and Dinosaurs lived together at one time in history?


Fossils can be formed within a matter of minuets and hours. Depending on the amount and pressure of the water and dirt they are formed in. A worldwide flood could form fossils within a matter of hours. Science proves it does not take billions and trillions of years to form fossils.

Persian Palace. . .

Guess who these feet belong too?

Animals were gentle and fearless of men before the fall of Adam and Eve

Did you know that no one has actually seen a monkey change into a man? Not even over a period of a hundred years. And all the skeletons that are used to support evolution have been shown to be either men, or monkeys. not a mixture of both.

The worldwide flood and Noah's ark.
These guys worked for Noah even though they thought he was crazy.

This is a picture of a sinner in this world. Completely locked up and separated from God. But, everyone has the opportunity to come to God through Jesus Christ.

The petting zoo . . .

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